Eclipse Blog
Finding your light in a galaxy of darkness.
Understanding the Bortle Scale: A Beginner's Guide to Dark Sky Photography
Learn how to use the Bortle Scale to improve your astrophotography. From finding dark sky locations to choosing the right equipment, discover practical tips for capturing stunning night sky images in any conditions. Includes detailed breakdown of Bortle classes, measurement tools, and expert recommendations.
The Ultimate Guide to Focus Peaking in Astrophotography
Focus peaking can revolutionize your astrophotography. This guide covers everything from the technology to advanced techniques for capturing tack-sharp images of the night sky.
Mastering Harvest Moon Photography: From Planning to Post-Processing
Capture stunning Harvest Moon photos with our essential astrophotography guide. Learn essential techniques for planning, gear selection, camera settings, and composition. Discover expert tips for shooting and post-processing to create breathtaking lunar images. Perfect for beginners and experienced photographers alike.
How to Photograph a Meteor Shower: Tips and Settings
Capturing the beauty of a meteor shower can be a magical experience, but it requires the right preparation and settings. In our latest blog post, we delve into essential tips for photographing a meteor shower. We cover everything from choosing the perfect location away from city lights to selecting the ideal camera settings. Learn about the importance of a sturdy tripod, the best lenses to use, and how to set your camera for long exposures to capture those fleeting moments. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or a beginner, our guide will help you make the most of your night under the stars. Check it out and start planning your next meteor shower shoot!